
4 Years ago

4 Years ago on this day I I made it through my Master Plant Dieta.

There is a trend in plant medicine which has its upsides however many are not aware that you really need to be committed to do the work before and after, I'm still going through the process four years on.

Most so called shamans do not really have the skill set to hold the sacred space at the depths it needs to be.

Many also don't realise that the actual ceremony is actually just the beginning it ultimately releases your shadows, stories, sabotage patterns so you play them out in real life, you don't just have mother Aya then your enlightened to be honest it's quite the opposite.

It's something to be deeply respected and unfortunately the spiritual communities are not giving her the respect she deserves, many healers are having to deal with cleaning up the aftermath of people who really were not ready to open Pandora's box.

I only trust one shaman in Australia and have heard of only a few others that are the real deal, so be wise on your journey of self discovery otherwise you may fragment yourself and actually delay your evolution:)

Here's what I wrote 3 years ago

I really didn't find it easy it was tough physically, mentally and emotionally.

However the journey has just begun. I knew I had still one more month of strict lifestyle including no sex however here's a curve ball.

I was the only one the in the group who got Shihuahuaco as their master Plant and guess what my post plant dieta is not 1 month but 2 months.

Whilst this next two months is going to be bloody hard I respect the process enough and thank God my partner at the time did to.

Emotional & Spiritual
The spirit of shihuahuaco is one of the highest in the Shipibo tradition, with one of the most highly evolved plant consciousnesses. It is said that the spirit appears as a large-dimensional man whose body shines brightly like highly polished metal.

A participant normally needs to diet a few plants before dieting the more challenging shihuahuaco tree, as the dieter is tested with their shadow aspects. This powerful spirit focuses more on the mind; cleansing undesirable habitual thoughts and calming mental activity. It helps anyone with a strong character, who may have experienced hardship, or who may carry heavy emotions like shame, guilt, remorse, anger or paranoia.

Shihuahuaco helps to protect against oppressive environments and strengthens the auric field to prevent dense energies from entering the body—great for sensitive people who are affected by other energies. He aligns the dieter to the light, helping them to feel more compassion and a greater desire to help others.

This highly respected master teacher will support people working with yoga therapies, energy work, or anyone exposed to strong energies and characters.

Physical Benefits
Relieves or protects against rheumatism
Relieves arthritis
Cleanses blood
Eliminates migraines

Emotional and Spiritual Benefits
Heals mind, clears thoughts
Good for guilt or if you have experienced hardship in oppressive environments
Good to relieve aggressive energy
Harmonizes and calms the mind and thoughts
Energetic resilience
Helps to open the heart
Strong energetic protections (arkanas)
Clears fears of strong or oppressive energies
Aligns and strengthens dieter to the light and love
Protects from dense energies
Yoga therapy, people that work with energies
Prevents dense energies entering the body
Gives compassion and promotes helping others.

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