
Here is my cooked chart

Here is my cooked chart

Unfortunately most people are char grilled but they think they are healthy.

This is because they compare themselves to the average person.

Problem is most people are pretty much just barely walking carcasses.

On my scale I would say most people are at minimum at the severe level but they have the belief they are at low to moderate and they are generally shocked when a major illness occurs.

They don't connect the dots that it's 20 plus years of bad habits.

The cookness chart goes from minimum investment to maximum, unfortunately most people with health always try to spend the bare minimum but in other areas of their life they will splurge.

The other day I had someone reach out to me who was pretty much at the catastrophic end I gave them the bare minimum a less than $250 investment and they didn't action it.

I'm at the end of my tether with people so whilst still compassionate and caring I was also blunt and straight to the point.

I said you or your partner will be dead in two years if you don't make drastic changes.

The sad thing is they haven't made the changes yet.

Maybe they will, maybe they won't as a Healer and a practitioner the hardest past is always the boundary of being more invested in the health and happiness of your client then they are.

When this person reaches out to me again in say 6 months to a year, guess which way my advice will be going on the sliding scale.

Here's a hint it 100% wont be going down.

Look after your body peeps its the thing that holds all your dreams and desires with out it they all disappear

Now be honest with yourself.

Where are you on the cooked scale?

Reach out if you are genuinely ready and willing for change, your body is sn incredibly advanced piece of technology and with the right guidance and support things can turn around for the better extremely quickly.

Let it sit and it can go the opposite way at the exact same speed.

Creating radically healthy humans
That Health Dude
CHEK Practitioner

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