
Have I ever told you I love what i do?

Have I ever told you I love what i do?
The answer is probably, but i'll tell you again.

Here is a clients result after just two months.

As you can see they were under very high physiological load which is all the columns in red, if they stayed on that trajectory it would have lead to a major illness or disease.

Now they are literally crushing it with only two columns still in the red.

This brings me such a deep level of satisfaction that this clients life is now on their optimal timeline.

We focused on shifting their diet so they were eating right for their primal pattern, as well as self love and zone exercises to bring in more energy and to clear anything stagnant.

We knuckled down on their dream something that was big enough to them, it was deep in their heart so they had the resilience and dedication to stick to their program and not sabotage.

of course there were many other factors that we implemented in the CHEK Institute approach that has not only given them a foundation but we have shifted belief systems and habits so they will never be able to go back to the old destructive lifestyle they had led.
Good times

PS this client is now engaged and living in their dream location.

Creating Radically Healthy Humans
That Health Dude

#holistichealthcoach #holistichealthpodcast 

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