
my favourite quote

This is one of my favourite quotes of all time.

As a CHEK Practitioner this is the number one thing behind all health issues.

Your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health all suffers if you dont follow what your soul came here to do.

I get it responsibilities and life kind of sneaks up on you and for many of us one day we are just like what the actual fuck how did I get here.

Who we truly are and our dreams seem so far away its almot impossible to reach.

However this is my jam, even since I can remember peopke have always come to me for guidance when lost.

I never really understood why but now I do.

I have a gift of seeing alternate timelines and having direct communication with peoples souls.

I know it sounds woo woo but its the truth and thats why people trust me.

Some get triggered AF but this is because when you can see someones true essence they are in complete vulnerability.

As most people put up masks and barriers to stay safe in this crazy world.

My program the Comeback is where I guide people for 6 weeks

We focus on 3 things

Clarifying your dream and releasing the old one
Getting the foundations of your health to optimal as change takes energy
Clearing the sabotage patterns that hold you back from anchoring in your new reality

You know how to find me if you want to learn more

That Health Dude

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