
Who's your brand for?

Who's your brand for?

My brand is never going to be a mainstream brand, whilst I'd love it if the truth was told about health and everything everyone needed to thrive was in abundance and easily available

Unfortunately where the money is at is keeping people sick enough so they don't die but also never get well.

This is the sweet spot majority of the population will stay in.

My brand is for those that say fuck that, they have had enough of that model and are ready to delve into the potential of the human body.

As I've aged I am like a fine wine or maybe a crazy cat lady my level of shits has declined.

Like right now I am at 0 shits if I offend anyone, I'd rather help the few that actually want change even if if I ruffle a few feathers.

So heres the basic the food system and medical system are in cohoots the same people own majority shares in both parties.

They use the food system to get you sick by filling it with absolute nonsense, it doesn't kill you straight away it's slowly over years depletes your life force.

Then the medical model comes in to deal with symptoms of a malnourished and poisoned society.

This cycle continues till eventually your body gives up, they have profited immensely the whole way, now they get to profit on your kids as you have taught them the same habits.

Now the good news depending on how cooked your health is and this includes mental and emotional wellness, I have solutions.

I'm what people call a system buster, I like to fuck shit up, this means getting you healthy and happy as this removes you as a cog in the wheel of the system.

I enjoy it immensely.

Check out my How Cooked Is Your Health Scale or message me to find out more.

You have the solutions within you, I can help you find them

That Health Dude
CHEK Practitioner

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